For use with the two chamber Shake-N-FloatTM system.
Fish Pimp® has created a new way to keep your fly high and dry. The new TWO CHAMBER Shake-N-FloatTM has separated the drying agent from the floatant, a revolutionary innovation in fishing accessories.
Helps you dry soaked flies and gets them floating quickly.
Shake-N-FloatTM Prep: Flip the lid of the canister open and rotate the chamber to Position 1. Slowly pour the drying agent into the chamber and shake all the material down to the lower chamber. Once full, rotate the chamber to Position 2 and repeat with floatant.
In Position 1: Place your fly in the upper chamber, making sure that your leader is placed in the notch, snap the lid shut and shake. Make sure that the drying agent has dropped out of the top chamber and turn to Position 2.
Shake again to apply the highest quality floatant. Make a few false casts to remove any excess floating agent.